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Congruence (n.):

  1. agreement, harmony, or conformity

  2. a match between psychological attributes and behavior

  3. the need for a therapist to be real versus to hide behind the mask of professionalism

About Sam


Hello. My name is Sam, I came into the world of counseling by calling- not by choice. It was (is) an uncomfortable call that beckons me to tap into my own suffering, grief, pain, and anxiety. And yet- I daily choose this call, as it is the highest privilege and honor to be with those who find their way into my office. 


I don't pretend to know your story or exactly what has led up to this point in your life. I won't claim to understand your circumstances, upbringing, or the exact nature of your experiences. However, I do claim that I will- be it ever so imperfectly- seek to be with you as you sort through the complexities of your human experience. In turn, I hope that by offering and extending my humanity to you and with you, that you will accept the invitation to embrace your own. 


  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), State of Colorado, (LPC.0016999).

  • National Certified Counselor (NCC), National Board for Certified Counselors, (2018-Present).

  • M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling, 2018, Denver Seminary

  • Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance (RYT-200). License # 185028

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